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All Technical Solutions

Updated: Apr 8

Database structure of the fashion rental business operations  

Construction of a structured in-house database is critical in the operation of any fashion retailers and the clothing rental business is identical. It allows a smooth communication within several entities in the database and reduces the risk of errors within the operations.   

The database called “project_db” is created in the database in the WAMP server to demonstrate the database operation of the business. There are seven tables in the database that are considered to be necessary for the operation purpose as shown in the picture above.

The database structure is built in this form to ensure that there is no redundancy in the database that could cause failure or mismatch of data. The relationship between the tables are also shown in the picture above.

Mobile Application User Interface  

The mobile application of the clothing rental service is created by the online mobile application maker BuildFire. BuildFire offers a free 14-day trial for developing IOS or Android applications that tailors users’ business goals. There are several restrictions for the free version of the service in terms of the functionality of the application builder because it requires upgrades for accessing more features such as implementing in-app purchases and user management. However, it provides a number of templates that users can use for creating their own styles of user interface that suit their business without any coding.   

The video above explains the basic screens' opreration which starts with a login.

This video above shows how you can purchase items in the app.

Website User Interface

Another prototype was created in a website builder Wix to have more variety of edit functionalities. Wix is a free website builder tool that have a large number of users and a lot of popularity because of its easy-to-use interfaces that users with no coding experience can create a website with no stress. There was a few limitation in the mobile app builder buildfire such as the limited 14 days trial limited designs of displays , however Wix is found to have more flexibility and unlimited use of the service.

Internal Operational-Use Reports

Several reports that show data from the business’s database were created through the WAMP server and the codes which include html, php, Javascript and SQL. The reports pull relevant data from the database and also can filter data by particular requirements of the operational side of the business. For example, the delivery report has a button to filter the table by the dispatched date descendant and another button to show the deliveries that have been completed. The stock report can filter the rented times of each item by descendant and ascendant so the operation team can consider the items that have been used more for a special care or additional check.

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